I’ll Name This Chat Later #25

I’ll Name This Chat Later #25

Hey y’all

Today I’ll briefly mention:


I hadn’t felt happy or realized I was happy in a long time.

Not because I was sad or anything, I was just going about my day not really appreciating everything I had going for myself. I would mostly focus on the negative and I decided to seek help in motivational books (which definitely helped).

Taking a vacation also helped TBH ’cause I was sick & tired of being sick and tired.

It wasn’t until I got back from my Florida Friendly Family Fun vacay that it hit me.

I was genuinely happy about where I was in my life.

For example…

I had a job in the field I studied.

I was also healthy (or at  least my knees weren’t hurting)

My family and friends had been supporting me in unimaginable ways

& I was still in my prime so even if I hadn’t accomplished much I still had time to continue to pursue things.

I realized that all the negative things I would associate all of these blessings with were superfluous.

With that being said, I want to encourage y’all to do the same as me and reflect on all the great things in your life right now.

(And yes I’m even talking about that shitty job you might have that some people would kill for an opportunity while you’re out here feeling sorry. Or that annoying family member/friend/significant other who’s always there looking out for you while you think they have no life and should just leave you alone. Feel blessed to have all that)

Take it all in & consider yourself blessed to have what you have. You can even feel blessed for the things you don’t have ’cause sh** you’re probably better off without it (& you might not even know it)

There are days where I start to realize that some people rarely—if ever—get the chance to have half the things I have & are happier than ever & it makes me appreciate the things I have even more.

BTW: I apologize for being MIA for so long but my life was in shambles & I’m slowly but surely trying to make some sense out of it on the daily. I’m going to try to be more consistent or at least write posts every week so on that note…

I want to wish y’all the best this upcoming week & remember to be happy!

That’s all for today from

Steph’s Super Short Post

I’ll Name This Chat Later #24

I’ll Name This Chat Later #24

Hey y’all

Today I’ll briefly mention:

My First Time at BD|NY

Most of y’all know by now that I majored in Architecture in college and am currently interning at a small interior design firm. Because of this, I got the chance to go to this year’s BD|NY (which stands for Boutique Design New York) for free!

It was held at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in NYC (as per usual) which I had never even been to despite having lived in NY my entire life.

I got to see companies showcase their products for the Hospitality environment like Tri|Kes, Duralee, Robert Allen, Tile Bar, etc. The setups were spectacular, from the fabric displays to the lighting displays I was in awe at all times.

By the end of it I was super exhausted but I had enjoyed myself a lot. Many goody bags were handed out & y’all know me, I love me some free s***

Below are some pics of my day…

That’s all for today from

Steph’s Super Short Post

I’ll Name This Chat Later #23

I’ll Name This Chat Later #23

Hey y’all

Today I’ll briefly mention:

My Top 10 Favorite Quotes to Live By

Note: This list isn’t in any specific order

1. “Life’s too mysterious to take too serious.”—Mary Engelbreit

2. “Ambitious girl, you just wanna win. You’d rather chase your dreams than to try & chase these men.”—Wale

3. “Every pain has a purpose.”—Unknown

4. “Being with you and not being with you is the only way I have to measure time.”—Jorge Luis Borges

5. “Plant your garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.”—Jose Luis Borges

6. “Do the best you can, until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.”—Maya Angelou

7. “Don’t believe everything you hear: Real eyes. Realize. Real lies.”—Tupac Shakur

8. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”—Aristotle

9. “I don’t study to know more, but to ignore less.”—Juana Inés De La Cruz

10. “We have to laugh. Because laughter, we already know, is the first evidence of freedom.”—Rosario Castellanos

Bonus: “Writing has been a way of explaining to myself the things I do not understand.”—Rosario Castellanos

BTW: These quotes are open to interpretation so I purposely didn’t explain what I understood from them because they may have a different meaning for y’all.

That’s all for today from

Steph’s Super Short Post

I’ll Name This Chat Later #22

I’ll Name This Chat Later #22

Hey y’all

Today I’ll briefly mention:


In honor of Halloween I’m going to share some of my costume pics throughout the years. One thing that’s never changed is my obsession with Disney characters.


Halloween 2015-Pocahontas


Halloween 2016-Princess Jasmine


Halloween 2017-Ariel

Thats all for today from

Steph’s Super Short Post

I’ll Name This Chat Later #21

I’ll Name This Chat Later #21

Hey y’all

Today I’ll briefly mention:

My Top 5 Favorite Movies

Note: I don’t own the images and the following titles aren’t listed in any type of order preference.

1. The Dark Knight (2008)

Christopher Nolan did a stupendous job directing, & he also co-produced, & co-wrote it. Heath Ledger’s performance as The Joker was greatness personified.

2. Rear Window (1954)

Alfred Hitchcock (who also did Psycho) did a marvelous job directing this mystery thriller especially by setting the tone or the way you’re supposed to feel based on the music you hear in the background. It was based on a short story titled It Had To Be Murder by Cornell Woolrich. Grace Kelly (The Princess of Monaco) plays the love interest of the main character and she wears fabulous outfits for the movie. It has also been imitated many times (That 70’s Show-Season 3 Episode 4 titled ‘Too Old To Trick or Treat, Too Young To Die’ imitates this movie)

3. Identity Thief (2013)

Melissa McCarthy is hilarious in this film. I watched this movie so many times in a day and was consistently in tears all throughout because I couldn’t stop laughing.

4. A Clockwork Orange (1971)

Even though it was filmed back in the day, it’s still a movie that anyone can relate to especially the people from this generation. (The song that the main character plays while robbing a man’s house is from another throwback movie called Singin’ In the Rain. It’s a dystopian crime movie full of relatable topics followed by hilarious obnoxious objects that you wouldn’t think they would put in a movie back then. It was controversial back then but it’s our normal right now.


5. La La Land (2016)

I just saw this today and loved everything from the cinematography standpoint to the directing and even how the cameramen were able to move the camera so rapidly during scenes was outstanding to watch. That really helped the movie come together & it was overall a great love story storytelling.

BTW: I took a couple of film classes all throughout high school and college so I appreciate all the work that goes on making these films from the story adaptations to the costume designs and editing. Feel free to watch some of these movies on your days off or whenever you want to have a laugh and relieve some stress.

That’s all for today from

Steph’s Super Short Post